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Tyrion Drake

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Tyrion Drake's profile was created on November 8, 2009, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 0 0.168 31,012 3 1.179 217,084 11 5.052 930,360
Attack Attack 23 0.003 911 163 0.019 6,380 699 0.081 27,345
Defence Defence -7 0.004 2,688 -48 0.027 18,815 -207 0.114 80,635
Strength Strength 69 0.002 649 482 0.015 4,545 2,065 0.065 19,477
Constitution Constitution 28 0.003 1,377 195 0.021 9,637 836 0.089 41,302
Ranged Ranged 145 0.005 862 1,016 0.034 6,031 4,354 0.146 25,849
Prayer Prayer -45 0.003 536 -318 0.023 3,752 -1,365 0.098 16,079
Magic Magic -2 0.002 362 -14 0.013 2,535 -60 0.057 10,865
Cooking Cooking 91 0.007 3,568 640 0.047 24,975 2,741 0.203 107,037
Woodcutting Woodcutting 144 0.004 1,204 1,005 0.028 8,431 4,307 0.122 36,132
Fletching Fletching 145 0.008 2,175 1,016 0.053 15,226 4,353 0.228 65,254
Fishing Fishing 65 0.005 1,299 457 0.034 9,095 1,958 0.146 38,976
Firemaking Firemaking 110 0.009 3,680 769 0.066 25,763 3,295 0.285 110,411
Crafting Crafting -13 0.004 935 -90 0.03 6,546 -388 0.13 28,054
Smithing Smithing -26 0.004 1,250 -185 0.028 8,748 -794 0.122 37,493
Mining Mining -17 0.002 2,522 -118 0.017 17,655 -505 0.073 75,665
Herblore Herblore -34 0.005 538 -241 0.032 3,764 -1,034 0.138 16,133
Agility Agility -11 0.004 574 -76 0.027 4,017 -325 0.114 17,214
Thieving Thieving -11 0.004 401 -77 0.027 2,806 -329 0.114 12,024
Slayer Slayer -15 0.005 705 -108 0.032 4,938 -463 0.138 21,161
Farming Farming -17 0.004 848 -117 0.03 5,939 -503 0.13 25,453
Runecraft Runecraft 10 0.006 304 70 0.04 2,130 300 0.171 9,129
Hunter Hunter 36 0.005 420 249 0.038 2,937 1,067 0.163 12,587
Construction Construction 30 0.009 1,116 211 0.065 7,809 904 0.277 33,468
Summoning Summoning -10 0.007 522 -73 0.047 3,652 -313 0.203 15,651
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 470 0.021 435 3,288 0.148 3,045 14,093 0.634 13,052
Divination Divination 506 0.023 885 3,541 0.163 6,194 15,177 0.7 26,547
Invention Invention 502 0.011 246 3,511 0.078 1,720 15,047 0.334 7,372

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