Contribute To RuneTrack's Name Change Database |
There are currently 9865 display names that need updating.
To ensure RuneTrack's accurate and efficient stat tracking services, we need your help in contributing RuneScape display name changes.
When a player changes their in-game display name, unfortunately there is no way for RuneTrack to determine their new display name on its own, making their User Profile go inactive.
However, by contributing display name changes below, you can ensure that players' User Profiles won't go inactive just because they change their display name, thus maintaining RuneTrack's powerful services.
To contribute a name change:
- Temporarily add the generated "Old Display Name" below to your in-game Friends List.
- If their New Display Name appears at the bottom of your Friends List, type it into the "New Display Name" box and submit.
- Or, if their New Display Name cannot be found, click the link below to generate a new name. Not being able to locate a user's New Display Name usually means that they have been banned.
Thank you for your support!