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Ismiley Pwns

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Ismiley Pwns's profile was created on October 1, 2014, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 154 0.484 153,536 1,075 3.391 1,074,754 4,606 14.531 4,606,088
Attack Attack 288 0.017 2,947 2,014 0.117 20,629 8,631 0.503 88,412
Defence Defence 36 0.007 4,807 253 0.049 33,652 1,085 0.208 144,222
Strength Strength 350 0.02 5,385 2,452 0.142 37,697 10,509 0.608 161,557
Constitution Constitution 60 0.005 5,966 420 0.036 41,763 1,802 0.156 178,983
Ranged Ranged -26 0 80 -182 0 560 -780 0 2,401
Prayer Prayer 334 0.031 7,059 2,340 0.215 49,414 10,029 0.92 211,775
Magic Magic 105 0.009 4,713 733 0.065 32,989 3,140 0.278 141,382
Cooking Cooking 121 0.014 6,346 845 0.097 44,421 3,620 0.417 190,376
Woodcutting Woodcutting 251 0.016 6,830 1,759 0.109 47,812 7,537 0.469 204,910
Fletching Fletching 192 0.019 6,797 1,345 0.134 47,578 5,766 0.573 203,904
Fishing Fishing 40 0.008 5,229 278 0.057 36,601 1,193 0.243 156,860
Firemaking Firemaking 187 0.019 6,904 1,312 0.13 48,329 5,622 0.556 207,124
Crafting Crafting 169 0.021 7,049 1,181 0.146 49,342 5,062 0.625 211,467
Smithing Smithing 172 0.021 7,264 1,207 0.15 50,849 5,174 0.642 217,925
Mining Mining 173 0.017 11,292 1,213 0.117 79,046 5,200 0.503 338,770
Herblore Herblore 219 0.033 7,307 1,530 0.231 51,150 6,556 0.99 219,213
Agility Agility 150 0.021 7,037 1,049 0.15 49,256 4,494 0.642 211,096
Thieving Thieving 174 0.025 6,949 1,221 0.174 48,641 5,233 0.747 208,461
Slayer Slayer 222 0.028 5,627 1,556 0.198 39,392 6,667 0.851 168,825
Farming Farming 54 0.016 6,876 379 0.113 48,133 1,626 0.486 206,284
Runecraft Runecraft -17 0.003 2,734 -121 0.02 19,137 -517 0.087 82,015
Hunter Hunter 82 0.016 6,773 575 0.113 47,409 2,465 0.486 203,183
Construction Construction 364 0.047 7,329 2,547 0.328 51,305 10,914 1.406 219,879
Summoning Summoning 177 0.03 7,380 1,236 0.207 51,658 5,296 0.885 221,393
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 65 0.013 1,115 454 0.089 7,802 1,946 0.382 33,436
Divination Divination 77 0.028 5,741 541 0.198 40,187 2,318 0.851 172,232
Invention Invention 0 0.001 -0 0 0.004 -0 0 0.017 -0

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