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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Duk3outlaw91's profile was created on August 10, 2013, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 109 0.488 1,547,930 762 3.414 10,835,508 3,267 14.63 46,437,892
Attack Attack 159 0.013 30,199 1,113 0.094 211,394 4,771 0.403 905,976
Defence Defence 148 0.014 30,242 1,036 0.1 211,693 4,439 0.429 907,255
Strength Strength 157 0.013 30,206 1,102 0.094 211,445 4,722 0.403 906,194
Constitution Constitution 159 0.013 66,683 1,115 0.091 466,782 4,780 0.39 2,000,494
Ranged Ranged 135 0.015 68,522 947 0.103 479,652 4,058 0.442 2,055,652
Prayer Prayer 132 0.019 17,059 927 0.136 119,410 3,974 0.585 511,757
Magic Magic 108 0.008 63,062 753 0.058 441,432 3,226 0.247 1,891,851
Cooking Cooking 79 0.007 85,495 551 0.052 598,467 2,359 0.221 2,564,860
Woodcutting Woodcutting 106 0.008 85,727 745 0.058 600,088 3,193 0.247 2,571,805
Fletching Fletching 145 0.018 86,518 1,014 0.124 605,623 4,348 0.533 2,595,527
Fishing Fishing 115 0.013 86,321 808 0.091 604,249 3,463 0.39 2,589,638
Firemaking Firemaking 84 0.01 85,928 587 0.067 601,494 2,514 0.286 2,577,831
Crafting Crafting 125 0.017 86,328 876 0.121 604,297 3,754 0.52 2,589,845
Smithing Smithing 79 0.013 39,767 556 0.088 278,368 2,384 0.377 1,193,007
Mining Mining 115 0.015 86,420 805 0.103 604,941 3,450 0.442 2,592,605
Herblore Herblore 97 0.018 26,737 676 0.124 187,161 2,896 0.533 802,118
Agility Agility 109 0.018 34,117 766 0.127 238,820 3,283 0.546 1,023,513
Thieving Thieving 108 0.019 66,889 757 0.13 468,224 3,243 0.559 2,006,675
Slayer Slayer 129 0.03 57,407 903 0.212 401,849 3,869 0.909 1,722,209
Farming Farming 73 0.015 86,434 509 0.106 605,038 2,181 0.455 2,593,020
Runecraft Runecraft 17 0.003 9,059 119 0.018 63,410 508 0.078 271,756
Hunter Hunter 121 0.021 85,017 844 0.149 595,118 3,619 0.637 2,550,507
Construction Construction 98 0.019 14,819 689 0.136 103,732 2,955 0.585 444,567
Summoning Summoning 115 0.022 28,809 808 0.152 201,664 3,461 0.65 864,276
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 108 0.031 86,575 754 0.215 606,022 3,232 0.922 2,597,237
Divination Divination 863 0.043 16,973 6,044 0.303 118,811 25,904 1.299 509,191
Invention Invention 865 0.052 86,618 6,058 0.367 606,323 25,962 1.572 2,598,528

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