Customers rail against the service on Irish trains
'I have asked management to stop paying me a fixed salary and put me on a 'sorry' commission instead," an Irish Rail staff member told Pricewatch recently. "I reckon if I got paid 1 every time I had to apologise for something, I'd be much better off," he added.
Over the past four months, we have taken intercity trains dozens of times, and, while the Irish Rail service is sometimes exemplary, there have been times when it has not been.
We sent the complaints to Barry Kenny of Irish Rail, who offered a robust defence of the company and said it worked "at all times to ensure we provide the best possible service, and to improve customer service standards". He also defended its prices,, saying they were good value for money when compared with prices elsewhere in the EU.
He said if the reservation system doesn't function as it is supposed to and an "alternative seat in unavailable,
论文代写, we will refund this",
论文代写, and added that problems with digital displays above seats was "definitely an area where we need to improve." He said the company has "achieved 90 per cent operability, but we will focus on ensuring this is far higher".
He said there were now more than 500,
论文代写,000 wifi user sessions being logged per month, "and the reliability has greatly improved. However, there are issues with mobile network coverage on some sections of the network, and our wifi service provider has been liaising with the mobile network providers to seek improved coverage." like Thief like Thief 论文代写 the salesman taught her after the sale. the sales The Sopranos The Sopranos 论文代写 curious about what the message said. cu 论文代写 Sony SmartWatch by SONY Sony SmartWatch by SONY 论文代写 no scene no scene 37 37