Hi Jim360,
Thanks for letting me know about this. The fix was actually much easier than I imagined.
2,147,483,647 is not the maximum value of any programming language per se, but you see it come up a lot as it's the maximum value an integer can typically hold. Integers are usually 4 bytes, the same as 32 bits (8 bits to a byte), meaning they can go up to 2^32 in value unsigned (or ((2^32)/2)-1 signed, as half of them go to the negative end and zero counts towards the positive end). (2^32)/2)-1 = 2,147,483,647, so that's where that limit comes from.
Anyway, as I had the data point values cast as integers, I just set them as un-casted PHP values instead, which have a much higher range.
Also fixed the issue with Telmomarques' graph - not exactly sure why that point was appearing out of place, but it's all fixed now.