From the number of people infected with COVID-19 Expanding more Causing
เว็บรวมสล็อตมากที่สุด most of the Thai people to worry about the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic Whether to return to the lockdown state or not Although medical data is clear, the disease is not easily contagious through the air and can be transmitted only by contact with secretions entering the conjunctiva, nose or mouth. But the laxness in taking care of your own hygiene can also cause the spread of the infection without knowing it.
However, if you need to be in the house again, Tonkit360 offers advice from a medical professional as to what four things are required in this situation.
1. Drug treatment of underlying diseases
If anyone has a medical condition that requires continuous medication, this should not be ignored. Because if there is force majeure that cannot go to see a doctor or lack of medicine It can affect health Therefore, you should notify your doctor for a prescription for the purchase of necessary drugs.
2. Home medicine
In addition to personal drugs Common home remedies are equally necessary, including drugs such as pain relief, fever reducer, antihistamines, mucus reduction, cough suppressants, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, medicine for skin diseases, wound care drugs, wound healing, infection. Also includes pain relievers from insect bites.
3. Foods that can be stored for a long time
If you are in a situation where you need to stay indoors Or being a person at risk of having to be detained from others Food that has a long shelf life should be kept at home as well. Both frozen food And dry food products But it should not be alarmed to the extent of hoarding so much that the product is in short supply.
4. Hygiene products
Maintaining hygiene during this hour is extremely important. Therefore should buy various products Give enough tissue, wet cloth, alcohol gel, but keep in mind that you should not buy more than necessary. Until it makes others unable to buy This increases the risk of spreading the infection to yourself without knowing it.