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The Xp

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because The Xp's profile was created on June 19, 2010, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Smithing
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Smithing
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Smithing
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 4 0.133 16,719 25 0.932 117,034 108 3.995 501,574
Attack Attack -41 -0.001 -255 -284 -0.008 -1,784 -1,218 -0.035 -7,645
Defence Defence -18 0.003 2,244 -123 0.018 15,706 -529 0.079 67,314
Strength Strength -49 -0.003 -689 -341 -0.022 -4,820 -1,461 -0.096 -20,655
Constitution Constitution 2 0.002 1,444 13 0.014 10,106 55 0.061 43,310
Ranged Ranged 46 0.006 3,307 324 0.039 23,149 1,388 0.166 99,211
Prayer Prayer 65 0.01 2,620 452 0.071 18,339 1,938 0.305 78,595
Magic Magic -3 0.001 204 -18 0.008 1,430 -78 0.035 6,130
Cooking Cooking -40 -0.003 -356 -277 -0.018 -2,489 -1,189 -0.079 -10,669
Woodcutting Woodcutting -76 -0.003 -915 -529 -0.02 -6,407 -2,265 -0.087 -27,460
Fletching Fletching 123 0.003 310 859 0.022 2,169 3,681 0.096 9,297
Fishing Fishing 385 0 10 2,693 0.002 73 11,541 0.009 313
Firemaking Firemaking 4 0.002 203 26 0.012 1,421 113 0.052 6,091
Crafting Crafting 37 0.005 483 261 0.035 3,383 1,120 0.148 14,499
Smithing Smithing 58 0.006 500 407 0.041 3,501 1,743 0.174 15,006
Mining Mining 497 0.022 427 3,481 0.157 2,986 14,919 0.672 12,796
Herblore Herblore 18 0.009 889 127 0.061 6,221 544 0.262 26,661
Agility Agility 137 0.008 493 959 0.059 3,454 4,110 0.253 14,803
Thieving Thieving 200 0.007 291 1,401 0.049 2,039 6,004 0.209 8,739
Slayer Slayer -61 -0.001 -202 -425 -0.006 -1,414 -1,823 -0.026 -6,060
Farming Farming 8 0.004 96 55 0.031 671 238 0.131 2,874
Runecraft Runecraft -16 0.004 290 -114 0.028 2,028 -487 0.122 8,692
Hunter Hunter 116 0.008 415 815 0.055 2,902 3,491 0.236 12,438
Construction Construction -4 0.008 3,636 -26 0.057 25,451 -110 0.244 109,078
Summoning Summoning -39 0.002 187 -275 0.012 1,309 -1,178 0.052 5,608
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 472 0.018 98 3,303 0.128 685 14,155 0.55 2,937
Divination Divination 522 0.024 582 3,652 0.165 4,073 15,651 0.707 17,455
Invention Invention 539 0.014 439 3,776 0.096 3,074 16,184 0.41 13,175

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