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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Tw1zl3rz's profile was created on December 15, 2013, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Runecraft
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Runecraft
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Runecraft
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 122 0.984 365,931 857 6.89 2,561,519 3,672 29.528 10,977,939
Attack Attack 36 0.031 20,362 250 0.22 142,535 1,069 0.945 610,865
Defence Defence 145 0.035 24,501 1,018 0.248 171,506 4,364 1.063 735,027
Strength Strength -43 0.03 13,178 -300 0.207 92,249 -1,284 0.886 395,354
Constitution Constitution 111 0.03 29,059 780 0.207 203,416 3,343 0.886 871,784
Ranged Ranged 155 0.049 24,788 1,084 0.344 173,517 4,645 1.476 743,646
Prayer Prayer 155 0.051 24,463 1,084 0.358 171,238 4,647 1.535 733,878
Magic Magic 31 0 9,050 220 0 63,349 941 0 271,495
Cooking Cooking 196 0.02 24,964 1,375 0.138 174,749 5,893 0.591 748,924
Woodcutting Woodcutting 6 0 32,611 44 0 228,280 189 0 978,343
Fletching Fletching 0 0 1,345 3 0 9,412 14 0 40,338
Fishing Fishing 56 0.033 7,996 393 0.234 55,971 1,686 1.004 239,877
Firemaking Firemaking 216 0.037 26,165 1,511 0.262 183,157 6,476 1.122 784,958
Crafting Crafting 90 0.037 6,661 628 0.262 46,624 2,690 1.122 199,819
Smithing Smithing 183 0.053 13,793 1,281 0.372 96,554 5,489 1.594 413,802
Mining Mining 209 0.049 10,031 1,462 0.344 70,219 6,265 1.476 300,937
Herblore Herblore 8 0.051 11,567 54 0.358 80,967 231 1.535 346,999
Agility Agility 157 0.049 12,237 1,100 0.344 85,658 4,714 1.476 367,105
Thieving Thieving 107 0.039 4,991 747 0.276 34,938 3,202 1.181 149,734
Slayer Slayer 21 0.049 6,545 147 0.344 45,817 629 1.476 196,360
Farming Farming 10 0.03 4,934 72 0.207 34,538 307 0.886 148,020
Runecraft Runecraft -40 0.016 3,629 -283 0.11 25,400 -1,211 0.472 108,857
Hunter Hunter 69 0.033 6,165 485 0.234 43,157 2,079 1.004 184,959
Construction Construction -14 0.026 8,933 -97 0.179 62,530 -415 0.768 267,986
Summoning Summoning 127 0.053 24,443 888 0.372 171,102 3,806 1.594 733,293
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 29 0.055 8,069 203 0.386 56,484 868 1.654 242,075
Divination Divination 16 0.071 5,005 113 0.496 35,032 485 2.126 150,138
Invention Invention 3,851 0.057 446 26,959 0.4 3,119 115,540 1.713 13,366

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