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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Batsi's profile was created on June 17, 2012, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Ranged
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Ranged
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Ranged
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall -2 0.148 42,546 -11 1.039 297,825 -47 4.453 1,276,394
Attack Attack -7 0.002 1,038 -52 0.015 7,269 -225 0.066 31,153
Defence Defence 14 0.005 3,639 100 0.036 25,475 430 0.154 109,178
Strength Strength -1 0.002 937 -6 0.013 6,556 -24 0.055 28,098
Constitution Constitution 25 0.004 3,682 175 0.031 25,773 750 0.132 110,456
Ranged Ranged -8 0.004 1,867 -56 0.026 13,070 -240 0.11 56,014
Prayer Prayer -7 0.007 2,949 -52 0.051 20,641 -223 0.219 88,462
Magic Magic 54 0.006 4,309 378 0.044 30,164 1,622 0.186 129,272
Cooking Cooking -10 0.002 482 -67 0.013 3,375 -288 0.055 14,466
Woodcutting Woodcutting 9 0.002 576 63 0.013 4,029 268 0.055 17,268
Fletching Fletching -9 0.001 439 -66 0.01 3,073 -284 0.044 13,170
Fishing Fishing 13 0.003 446 91 0.023 3,120 389 0.099 13,372
Firemaking Firemaking -11 0.004 949 -78 0.028 6,646 -332 0.121 28,481
Crafting Crafting -33 0.002 408 -234 0.015 2,857 -1,002 0.066 12,244
Smithing Smithing -25 0.004 793 -174 0.028 5,554 -744 0.121 23,803
Mining Mining -5 0.004 888 -32 0.026 6,219 -135 0.11 26,654
Herblore Herblore -16 0.007 1,112 -113 0.049 7,787 -482 0.208 33,372
Agility Agility -25 0.002 448 -174 0.013 3,134 -747 0.055 13,430
Thieving Thieving -32 0 59 -223 0.003 416 -954 0.011 1,781
Slayer Slayer 21 0.01 4,458 146 0.072 31,205 627 0.307 133,736
Farming Farming -23 0.002 239 -161 0.015 1,671 -690 0.066 7,159
Runecraft Runecraft 47 0.012 4,846 330 0.082 33,919 1,415 0.351 145,369
Hunter Hunter 10 0.005 1,001 72 0.038 7,009 310 0.165 30,040
Construction Construction -39 0.002 361 -270 0.013 2,528 -1,158 0.055 10,835
Summoning Summoning -3 0.007 1,398 -24 0.049 9,788 -101 0.208 41,947
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering -7 0.005 4,087 -48 0.033 28,609 -207 0.143 122,608
Divination Divination 673 0.03 905 4,714 0.212 6,338 20,203 0.91 27,161
Invention Invention 673 0.014 229 4,714 0.095 1,602 20,205 0.406 6,865

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