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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Mythicdrogna's profile was created on January 10, 2012, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 29 0.307 96,032 204 2.148 672,224 875 9.205 2,880,961
Attack Attack -16 0.003 2,777 -110 0.019 19,440 -473 0.083 83,313
Defence Defence -10 0.008 5,956 -73 0.053 41,692 -315 0.228 178,681
Strength Strength 33 0.008 5,863 228 0.053 41,038 978 0.228 175,878
Constitution Constitution 28 0.006 6,911 196 0.039 48,375 841 0.166 207,320
Ranged Ranged 32 0.009 2,711 221 0.063 18,976 947 0.27 81,324
Prayer Prayer 27 0.017 8,170 190 0.116 57,187 814 0.498 245,087
Magic Magic -20 0.005 3,207 -143 0.034 22,452 -611 0.145 96,221
Cooking Cooking -15 0 491 -104 0 3,436 -445 0 14,724
Woodcutting Woodcutting 116 0.013 7,862 809 0.092 55,032 3,467 0.394 235,853
Fletching Fletching 5 0 275 38 0 1,925 164 0 8,251
Fishing Fishing -7 0.006 2,108 -46 0.039 14,756 -196 0.166 63,239
Firemaking Firemaking 25 0.013 7,830 175 0.092 54,811 749 0.394 234,904
Crafting Crafting -6 0.008 1,414 -40 0.053 9,900 -169 0.228 42,428
Smithing Smithing 16 0.012 3,449 110 0.082 24,145 471 0.352 103,480
Mining Mining 29 0.01 2,188 201 0.068 15,314 861 0.29 65,632
Herblore Herblore 22 0.019 8,377 156 0.131 58,641 667 0.56 251,319
Agility Agility -73 0.001 187 -510 0.01 1,310 -2,186 0.041 5,614
Thieving Thieving -21 0.004 324 -148 0.029 2,267 -633 0.124 9,717
Slayer Slayer 41 0.016 5,898 288 0.111 41,284 1,235 0.477 176,929
Farming Farming -17 0.007 3,690 -116 0.048 25,827 -496 0.207 110,689
Runecraft Runecraft -87 0.004 253 -608 0.029 1,774 -2,605 0.124 7,604
Hunter Hunter 75 0.013 752 523 0.092 5,264 2,241 0.394 22,559
Construction Construction 44 0.011 1,783 309 0.077 12,480 1,322 0.332 53,484
Summoning Summoning 103 0.03 4,947 721 0.208 34,630 3,089 0.891 148,415
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 92 0.032 7,107 647 0.223 49,749 2,771 0.954 213,211
Divination Divination 1,314 0.056 1,503 9,200 0.392 10,520 39,427 1.679 45,085
Invention Invention 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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