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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Jrp's profile was created on May 17, 2015, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 417 1.058 308,398 2,921 7.403 2,158,785 12,520 31.726 9,251,935
Attack Attack 862 0.054 15,774 6,037 0.377 110,415 25,874 1.616 473,208
Defence Defence 587 0.042 15,446 4,108 0.291 108,124 17,605 1.248 463,387
Strength Strength 625 0.04 15,315 4,376 0.283 107,208 18,754 1.212 459,462
Constitution Constitution 712 0.043 16,470 4,982 0.3 115,291 21,352 1.285 494,103
Ranged Ranged 590 0.043 3,437 4,130 0.3 24,061 17,699 1.285 103,120
Prayer Prayer 389 0.048 11,628 2,720 0.334 81,397 11,656 1.432 348,844
Magic Magic 340 0.022 949 2,379 0.154 6,646 10,197 0.661 28,484
Cooking Cooking 641 0.037 2,333 4,484 0.257 16,330 19,219 1.102 69,988
Woodcutting Woodcutting 627 0.032 3,315 4,390 0.223 23,205 18,814 0.955 99,451
Fletching Fletching 526 0.058 2,441 3,680 0.403 17,088 15,773 1.726 73,234
Fishing Fishing -1 0 94,334 -4 0 660,340 -16 0 2,830,030
Firemaking Firemaking 800 0.049 2,541 5,601 0.343 17,785 24,006 1.469 76,222
Crafting Crafting 797 0.051 3,000 5,581 0.36 21,000 23,918 1.542 89,999
Smithing Smithing 746 0.055 6,492 5,225 0.386 45,445 22,394 1.652 194,765
Mining Mining 980 0.06 48,249 6,863 0.42 337,746 29,411 1.799 1,447,484
Herblore Herblore 126 0.031 14,610 883 0.214 102,271 3,784 0.918 438,304
Agility Agility 509 0.048 2,442 3,564 0.334 17,096 15,275 1.432 73,270
Thieving Thieving 529 0.044 1,016 3,706 0.308 7,113 15,882 1.322 30,483
Slayer Slayer 264 0.032 647 1,845 0.223 4,529 7,909 0.955 19,410
Farming Farming 43 0.016 4,695 304 0.111 32,867 1,302 0.477 140,860
Runecraft Runecraft 274 0.023 140 1,920 0.163 979 8,227 0.698 4,197
Hunter Hunter 385 0.044 1,067 2,693 0.308 7,466 11,542 1.322 31,995
Construction Construction 198 0.024 4,256 1,384 0.171 29,793 5,932 0.734 127,684
Summoning Summoning 339 0.054 14,363 2,370 0.377 100,543 10,155 1.616 430,900
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 84 0.016 13,221 585 0.111 92,550 2,507 0.477 396,644
Divination Divination 64 0.027 6,559 450 0.188 45,913 1,929 0.808 196,770
Invention Invention 2,290 0.067 3,655 16,030 0.471 25,582 68,699 2.02 109,637

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