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Frosty Losty

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Frosty Losty's profile was created on November 4, 2013, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Mining
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Mining
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Mining
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall -20 0.411 123,196 -140 2.876 862,373 -602 12.324 3,695,884
Attack Attack -41 0.016 11,002 -285 0.115 77,011 -1,222 0.495 330,046
Defence Defence -105 0.012 4,745 -733 0.084 33,215 -3,141 0.36 142,350
Strength Strength -253 0.001 445 -1,770 0.01 3,112 -7,586 0.045 13,335
Constitution Constitution -105 0.01 7,869 -734 0.073 55,086 -3,147 0.315 236,082
Ranged Ranged -131 0.01 5,751 -917 0.073 40,259 -3,930 0.315 172,538
Prayer Prayer 73 0.033 17,619 509 0.231 123,330 2,181 0.99 528,557
Magic Magic -186 0.006 2,970 -1,305 0.042 20,790 -5,594 0.18 89,098
Cooking Cooking -200 0.004 834 -1,398 0.031 5,840 -5,990 0.135 25,028
Woodcutting Woodcutting -6 0.004 5,888 -41 0.031 41,214 -176 0.135 176,632
Fletching Fletching -207 0.007 853 -1,452 0.052 5,974 -6,223 0.225 25,604
Fishing Fishing -21 0 2,596 -145 0 18,172 -622 0 77,882
Firemaking Firemaking -284 0.003 404 -1,990 0.021 2,827 -8,529 0.09 12,118
Crafting Crafting 67 0.027 2,969 469 0.189 20,782 2,012 0.81 89,065
Smithing Smithing -28 0.018 2,460 -197 0.126 17,221 -845 0.54 73,806
Mining Mining 117 0.031 8,145 822 0.22 57,016 3,524 0.945 244,353
Herblore Herblore -34 0.03 4,833 -241 0.21 33,829 -1,033 0.9 144,984
Agility Agility 15 0.025 1,894 105 0.178 13,259 448 0.765 56,825
Thieving Thieving -41 0.019 670 -286 0.136 4,692 -1,226 0.585 20,107
Slayer Slayer -32 0.018 8,557 -226 0.126 59,902 -966 0.54 256,724
Farming Farming -139 0.004 219 -971 0.031 1,534 -4,163 0.135 6,573
Runecraft Runecraft -159 0.001 102 -1,116 0.01 712 -4,783 0.045 3,051
Hunter Hunter -61 0.007 1,607 -426 0.052 11,250 -1,827 0.225 48,215
Construction Construction 7 0.025 2,128 51 0.178 14,899 217 0.765 63,854
Summoning Summoning -99 0.012 2,139 -690 0.084 14,975 -2,957 0.36 64,176
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering -52 0.009 6,519 -367 0.063 45,630 -1,574 0.27 195,557
Divination Divination 69 0.07 19,977 485 0.493 139,842 2,080 2.114 599,325
Invention Invention 0 0.001 -0 0 0.01 -0 0 0.045 -0

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