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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Elba's profile was created on August 25, 2012, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Fishing
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Fishing
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Fishing
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 36 0.246 1,992,023 255 1.722 13,944,162 1,094 7.378 59,760,695
Attack Attack 123 0.007 74,740 859 0.05 523,178 3,683 0.215 2,242,193
Defence Defence 99 0.006 74,600 690 0.045 522,202 2,956 0.193 2,238,008
Strength Strength 17 0 67,675 120 0 473,725 516 0 2,030,249
Constitution Constitution 44 0 70,200 307 0 491,400 1,314 0 2,105,999
Ranged Ranged 22 0 70,258 156 0 491,807 667 0 2,107,746
Prayer Prayer 36 0.002 72,240 253 0.011 505,679 1,085 0.045 2,167,195
Magic Magic 51 0.001 71,705 360 0.008 501,933 1,543 0.034 2,151,140
Cooking Cooking 118 0.009 75,075 826 0.063 525,524 3,539 0.272 2,252,244
Woodcutting Woodcutting 97 0.006 74,389 677 0.04 520,722 2,904 0.17 2,231,666
Fletching Fletching 85 0.006 74,637 598 0.045 522,462 2,565 0.193 2,239,122
Fishing Fishing 127 0.011 75,240 889 0.074 526,683 3,811 0.317 2,257,212
Firemaking Firemaking 55 0.005 74,281 386 0.037 519,964 1,652 0.159 2,228,416
Crafting Crafting 43 0.008 74,982 300 0.058 524,877 1,287 0.249 2,249,472
Smithing Smithing 59 0.01 75,180 413 0.069 526,259 1,768 0.295 2,255,394
Mining Mining 53 0.008 74,918 372 0.056 524,424 1,592 0.238 2,247,531
Herblore Herblore 31 0.003 73,065 219 0.019 511,453 938 0.079 2,191,943
Agility Agility 20 0.005 74,196 139 0.034 519,372 595 0.147 2,225,879
Thieving Thieving 55 0.011 75,240 385 0.074 526,681 1,648 0.317 2,257,205
Slayer Slayer 42 0.014 74,629 296 0.1 522,404 1,268 0.431 2,238,873
Farming Farming 55 0.011 75,278 385 0.077 526,947 1,648 0.329 2,258,345
Runecraft Runecraft 25 0.004 73,888 177 0.029 517,214 760 0.125 2,216,631
Hunter Hunter 69 0.012 75,307 481 0.082 527,149 2,063 0.351 2,259,212
Construction Construction 48 0.01 75,216 335 0.071 526,513 1,435 0.306 2,256,484
Summoning Summoning 39 0.007 74,800 273 0.05 523,597 1,169 0.215 2,243,986
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 7 0.007 69,171 50 0.05 484,194 216 0.215 2,075,116
Divination Divination 755 0.038 75,557 5,288 0.264 528,901 22,661 1.133 2,266,717
Invention Invention 755 0.046 75,557 5,285 0.32 528,901 22,651 1.371 2,266,717

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