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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Stab's profile was created on July 7, 2013, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Dungeoneering
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Dungeoneering
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Dungeoneering
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall -61 0.11 26,384 -424 0.769 184,691 -1,819 3.297 791,534
Attack Attack -56 0 -34,126 -393 0 -238,882 -1,683 0 -1,023,779
Defence Defence 59 0.009 12,542 414 0.062 87,794 1,775 0.264 376,262
Strength Strength -2 0 6,981 -11 0 48,866 -49 0 209,427
Constitution Constitution -55 0 -8,150 -383 0 -57,049 -1,639 0 -244,494
Ranged Ranged -33 0 4,908 -229 0 34,359 -981 0 147,251
Prayer Prayer -202 -0.018 -7,827 -1,415 -0.123 -54,789 -6,066 -0.527 -234,810
Magic Magic -114 0 -15,826 -795 0 -110,785 -3,407 0 -474,795
Cooking Cooking -25 0 386 -174 0 2,703 -746 0 11,585
Woodcutting Woodcutting -33 0.007 3,600 -233 0.046 25,200 -997 0.198 108,002
Fletching Fletching -95 0 -1,478 -667 0 -10,346 -2,859 0 -44,341
Fishing Fishing 10 0.011 4,927 72 0.077 34,487 310 0.33 147,802
Firemaking Firemaking 14 0 18,466 96 0 129,260 412 0 553,971
Crafting Crafting -67 0.002 689 -472 0.015 4,821 -2,025 0.066 20,663
Smithing Smithing -167 -0.019 -11,632 -1,166 -0.131 -81,424 -4,995 -0.56 -348,962
Mining Mining -164 -0.007 -1,761 -1,150 -0.046 -12,330 -4,929 -0.198 -52,845
Herblore Herblore -176 -0.015 -6,032 -1,230 -0.108 -42,225 -5,272 -0.462 -180,964
Agility Agility 4 0.012 2,356 25 0.085 16,489 108 0.363 70,669
Thieving Thieving 53 0.026 13,500 374 0.185 94,500 1,604 0.791 404,998
Slayer Slayer -47 0 1,852 -329 0 12,964 -1,412 0 55,560
Farming Farming -177 -0.025 -9,615 -1,240 -0.177 -67,308 -5,316 -0.758 -288,462
Runecraft Runecraft 161 0.032 17,660 1,130 0.223 123,622 4,842 0.956 529,807
Hunter Hunter -17 0.01 1,568 -121 0.069 10,978 -517 0.297 47,050
Construction Construction -73 0.005 797 -514 0.038 5,576 -2,204 0.165 23,895
Summoning Summoning -257 -0.026 -13,838 -1,796 -0.185 -96,865 -7,697 -0.791 -415,137
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 33 0.022 45,108 232 0.154 315,757 996 0.659 1,353,245
Divination Divination 2,020 0.084 1,331 14,140 0.585 9,319 60,601 2.505 39,937
Invention Invention -2,179 -0.701 -0 -15,250 -4.908 -0 -65,356 -21.033 -0

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