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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Oleum's profile was created on May 18, 2013, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Cooking
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Cooking
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Cooking
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 139 0.536 1,621,164 976 3.755 11,348,145 4,181 16.091 48,634,909
Attack Attack 834 0.041 24,396 5,837 0.288 170,772 25,017 1.236 731,881
Defence Defence 829 0.041 22,622 5,800 0.288 158,355 24,858 1.236 678,662
Strength Strength 834 0.041 24,395 5,840 0.288 170,765 25,030 1.236 731,849
Constitution Constitution 833 0.041 39,962 5,830 0.288 279,735 24,984 1.236 1,198,866
Ranged Ranged 833 0.041 33,647 5,833 0.288 235,526 25,000 1.236 1,009,397
Prayer Prayer 841 0.041 84,069 5,884 0.288 588,483 25,216 1.236 2,522,068
Magic Magic 832 0.041 27,904 5,821 0.288 195,328 24,949 1.236 837,121
Cooking Cooking 53 0 78,590 371 0.003 550,130 1,592 0.013 2,357,700
Woodcutting Woodcutting 46 0.001 61,091 320 0.006 427,637 1,369 0.025 1,832,728
Fletching Fletching 41 0 78,590 290 0.003 550,130 1,243 0.013 2,357,700
Fishing Fishing 100 0.01 50,745 702 0.071 355,218 3,010 0.303 1,522,362
Firemaking Firemaking 38 0 78,635 269 0.003 550,446 1,153 0.013 2,359,053
Crafting Crafting 14 0 51,754 98 0.003 362,276 421 0.013 1,552,611
Smithing Smithing 19 0.003 81,324 131 0.021 569,270 562 0.088 2,439,727
Mining Mining 35 0.006 82,613 243 0.041 578,288 1,041 0.177 2,478,378
Herblore Herblore 0 0 69,438 1 0 486,065 4 0 2,083,137
Agility Agility 90 0.014 83,874 633 0.1 587,121 2,715 0.429 2,516,233
Thieving Thieving 93 0.016 29,224 648 0.109 204,567 2,779 0.467 876,714
Slayer Slayer 33 0.014 45,116 232 0.1 315,813 994 0.429 1,353,486
Farming Farming 21 0.005 82,040 147 0.032 574,278 632 0.139 2,461,192
Runecraft Runecraft 26 0.004 81,604 182 0.026 571,227 780 0.113 2,448,116
Hunter Hunter 109 0.017 83,959 762 0.118 587,713 3,264 0.504 2,518,772
Construction Construction 29 0.008 19,676 204 0.059 137,730 874 0.252 590,270
Summoning Summoning 840 0.041 84,069 5,882 0.288 588,483 25,207 1.236 2,522,068
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 64 0.019 83,602 445 0.135 585,211 1,908 0.58 2,508,048
Divination Divination 840 0.042 54,157 5,882 0.294 379,100 25,207 1.261 1,624,716
Invention Invention 841 0.051 84,069 5,884 0.356 588,483 25,219 1.526 2,522,068

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