Hi Msottement,
It appears that someone from your clan forgot to update your trackers right before the competition ended. While both trackers had a set time frame of "Mar 14, 2011 - 8:00 AM -- Mar 21, 2011 - 8:00 AM", notice the difference in "Last Updated" times.
One of the trackers was last updated at 7:42 AM, 18 minutes before the end of the competition. The other tracker was last updated at 7:54 AM, 6 minutes before the end of the competition. In the 12 minute time span between the two, Roving Fish was able to gain just barely enough xp to come in first place.
Though since Roving Fish and Wwdtour Kane were so close - just a mere 10xp difference in xp gained at 7:54 AM - it's probably fair to just call it a tie. The only way to know for sure who won would've been if someone had updated the tracker at exactly 7:59 AM, right before the competition ended.
In the future, be sure that someone is around to update the tracker as close to the end of the competition as possible to avoid this issue.