Not sure what you're referring to - nothing was removed from your personal records? The only Xp Gain in strength (
http://runetrack.com/progress.php?user= ... l=strength) that doesn't count toward your Personal Records was when you first got it ranked on the highscores on July 19, going from -1 xp to 564,735 in the system (which of course wasn't what actually happened - you probably went from about 470K to 564,735, but the 470K was just below the 2M rank threshold).
That was what I was referring to, my xp chart at "xp distribution for this week"
http://runetrack.com/profile.php?user=theempe2xyuu has 940,356 xp listed when the mouse hovers over the strength section of the chart, and displays it as 47.76%. my TOTAL strength xp is obviously 940,356, and though the 564,735 xp is removed from my "personal records" and such, it still contributes to this weeks xp on the pie chart.
However, this "?" mark is only temporary and will be replaced by actual values on Sunday morning at the start of the new week.
The thing I was wondering is why the xp this week doesn't show the next day? though the person would've gained SOME xp before being listed by runetrack, if they were unranked it most probably would be negligable,
Well, it wouldn't necessarily be negligible. Take a look at the end of the highscores for Woodcutting:
http://hiscore.runescape.com/overall.ws ... ory_type=0
sorry, I think I was doing something else while I typed this, sounds stupid to me now

An example of what I was trying to suggest was this:
I get 65 strength on monday and immediatley logg out. Would it be possible to remove the "?" immediatley and begin counting the xp for that week, using my first register as a starting point and the previous "?" from monday, tuesday, ... , saturday as 0 xp.
an ideal implementation would be:
e.g. Monday I achieve 65 strength with 475,000 xp. I then logg out.
runetrack records my xp as 475,000 xp, (which later gets removed from my records and such).
I logg back in, gain another 50,000 xp. I then logg out and Runetrack uses my first recording of 475,000 xp and subtracts it from my current xp (525,000 xp) to calculate this weeks xp as 50,000 xp, and adds the previous 6 days of records as 0's. Whenever this weeks xp is wiped, the website then reverts to calculating my weekly xp by using my recordings off xp from the highscores.
As I said it would only be necessary to manually calculate these for the first week of xp gains. I only state these issues I have with it for aesthetic reasons. Sure I can survive a week without seeing my weekly xp gains

Thanks for the short response time and quick fix ups, I'm surprised more people don't use this website
