Did you all know that it is perfectly legal to discuss fan sites in game?
The exact rule from Jagex as posted on RS is found here:
http://www.runescape.com/c=3u1HpUsP6l8/ ... of_conductSecurity
Advertising other websites
Effective date: 12th May 2009
You are not allowed to actively advertise in any of our games or forums. This includes advertising any website or product, and no web addresses are allowed.
Upon further research:
3. Does this rule include giving out the link to my clan/fansite?
You should not give out the URL/link for your clan site, as we do not have enough resources to check that every site is safe, and you could put your account at risk of being muted. We have a list of fansites that can be discussed in-game and on our forums, and you can find it by heading to our official forums and visiting 'General', and reading the sticky entitled 'Fansite support information'.
A link to the 'General' thread is:
http://forum.runescape.com/c=3u1HpUsP6l ... 3,59239903 http://runetrack.com/ is not a RS listed site on this thread, and I personally have sent Jagex my request to add Sword Kill's site. I ask that all readers of this post also take a few minutes to go to
http://forum.runescape.com/c=3u1HpUsP6l ... 7,58601096 and request that Runetrack becomes a site for the RS community to use, and chat about freely in the game!
[feel free to post this information on your individual clan sites!]