Laur wrote:
The highscores now pulls stats 15+. However it won't pull F2P.
Oh, that's cool - at least there was one benefit to the highscores update I guess (not that that makes up for much). Now that all of the F2P accounts are off the highscores, there's no longer a cut off for commonly-trained skills.
Previously you needed to be about level 65 strength to appear on the RuneScape highscores - now you only need to be level 15. So I suppose pulling from the Adventure Log is now pretty unnecessary, as the lite highscores will provide all the skills levels for most people.
Also, here's something interesting - check out the last page of the Overall highscores: ... ory_type=0 (note that that's a link to the current last page, so you'll need to continue paging back a few to get to the end as it'll change by the time you've read this).
It appears that the Overall highscores actually go to the very end in showing anyone with 34 Total Level (the lowest total level possible, as there's 24 regular skills + 10 initial Constitution skill levels). So essentially, would I be right to assume that the Overall highscores are actually now showing an accurate count of RuneScape Members?
If so, 580K Members seems like a concerning figure for Jagex - they had over 1 million members back in 2007 (

Edit: Actually, judging by how fast the ranks on the Overall Highscores are increasing, it's likely that the RuneScape Highscores are only showing Members accounts which have logged in recently (sometimes they do this during highscore updates, and accounts only reappear after they log into the game). So I guess we'll have to wait a few days to get an accurate count. I'm interested in seeing whether it's above or below 2007's 1 million mark.