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 Post subject: Get Rid of Bed Bugs
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:28 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:34 am
Posts: 47
Get Rid of Bed Bugs

The resurgence of these insects in American homes has caused many a sleepless night — but not everything you hear is true. Here's everything you need to know to identify and get rid of these nasty insects.

5 Things You Need to Accept First
Before you start pointing fingers at the reasons your home is infested or why you do — or don't — have a bedbugs problem, you need to know this.
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1. Bedbugs don't care if you home is neat or messy.
They only care that their food source, a.k.a. people, are nearby. There's also no evidence they transmit diseases. The real threat: Itchy red bites.

2. Most people wrongly identify these critters.
Entomologist Richard Pollack, Ph.D., has found fewer than 10% of the critters people identify as bedbugs actually are; that's also why he doesn't trust websites that list reports of bedbugs at hotels.

3. You should contact a professional ASAP.
"The biggest mistake people make is waiting too long to call for help, because the longer the problem goes on, the bigger of a chance they'll spread within the home and even outside of the home," says David Dunham of Go Green Bedbug Dogs. He says the first sign your home is infested is if you get bites. ... f-bedbugs/

4. Not everyone has skin reaction to bedbug bites.
Surprising, we know. "It's common for one person to become the host or the person getting all the bites, while their spouse or partner will get no bites at all," says Dunham. "Usually the person not getting bites will discredit their partner's concerns. But if you wake up with numerous bites, especially under your clothes, it could be bedbugs."

5. Traveling isn't the only way to pick them up.
They can easily be carried into the house on secondhand furniture, so inspect such items very carefully. Encasement products can also prevent bugs that do make it inside from hunkering down inside crevices of mattresses and box springs. But while reports of bedbugs at movie theaters and in retail stores have made headlines, it's rare that someone actually brings them home, says Gangloff-Kaufmann.

How to Clean a Sponge
No one likes the idea of cleaning dishes with a germy sponge, which is why we all know we should be cleaning ours on the regular. But which method is best? The Good Housekeeping Institute worked with EMSL Analytical testing lab in Westmont, New Jersey to find out if using the dishwasher, microwave, washing machine, bleach, or vinegar removed the most bacteria — and bleach won.

The Best Way to Clean a Sponge
Mix 3/4 cup of bleach in one gallon of water and soak the sponge for five minutes, then rinse – and that's it. In testing, the bleach solution killed 99.9% of the three bacteria strains from the test sponges (scrub and regular cellulose), which is the benchmark based on the EPA's requirement for sanitization of non-food-contact surfaces.

But no matter how diligent you are about cleaning, your kitchen sponges won't last forever. Clean them weekly, and toss shabby ones every two to three weeks, depending on use. ... -6518.html
http://clean-hardwood-floors.over-blog. ... 2/-10.html

how to clean a sponge
3 Other Ways to Clean a Sponge
Even though bleach is the most effective bacteria killer, in a bind, these methods are your next best option. They're listed in order from most to least effective, so choose wisely. ... -a-sponge/
1. Microwave
The microwave was one of the next most effective, zapping 99.9% of germs. Do this by putting the sponge in the microwave, saturating it in water (we used 1/4 cup for scrub sponges and 1/2 cup for cellulose), then heating it on high for one minute (scrub) or two minutes (cellulose). ... 8%B2%D9%84 ... 9%84%D9%87 ... 8%A7%D8%AC ... 8%B3%D8%A8 ... 9%8A%D8%A9 ... 8%AD%D9%8A ... 8%AD%D9%8A

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