Natural Sugar Vs Additive Sugar – What's the Difference?
Experts say natural sugars are found in unprocessed foods such as bananas or berries. or lactose in milk Foods with natural sugars are low in sugar and sodium. There will be plenty of water and rich in important vitamins and minerals. The fiber in fruit makes it harder for the body to digest. So sugar levels don't skyrocket like when we eat donuts. The lactose in milk also contains protein and is a sustainable source of energy. When you drink it, you will feel full longer than soft drinks.
The sugar found in donuts and soft drinks is one that we need to keep an eye on. Sugar in food, whether we add it ourselves or the manufacturer adds it is good. Because it contains high fructose corn syrup. Found in ketchup and bread. Like the honey and agave sugar we add to tea or smoothies. These sugars are easily digested and cause blood sugar levels to spike very quickly, causing problems such as obesity, type II diabetes. and heart disease
What kind of sugar is good for us? And which sugars should be avoided?
What are the health effects of having too much sugar?
Sugar intake from soft drinks, desserts, has been linked to weight gain and obesity. Because it has a lot of calories and has no nutritional benefits. This type of sugar will cause high blood sugar levels. This increases the risk that we will eventually develop insulin resistance and type II diabetes.
These sugars also make us sick of fatty liver disease that is not caused by alcohol consumption. as well as increasing triglyceride levels, which may promote cardiovascular disease. The 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that sugars be no more than 10% of our daily calories.
The American Heart Association recommends that women shouldn't get more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day and men shouldn't get more than 9 teaspoons. hunt with sugar This includes sugar-added salad greens in salad dressings available at supermarkets. We may be getting too much sugar. Even if you haven't eaten candy and dessert yet.
How do we check food labels for sugar?
Even though we avoid donuts, cakes, soft drinks and other desserts, sugar is hidden in frozen processed foods, baby food, dried fruit, sauces, protein bars, yogurt and more. other including in organic food There are many types of sugar like this and more than 60 different names.
A brief example is as follows:
Brown sugar
Corn syrup
Dextrose (Dextrose)
Maltose (maltose)
In order to find these sugars, note whether their English name ends with the letters ose or not, as well as the words syrup or malt, which will indicate the amount added by weight. The higher the number, the more sugar.
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