Display dummies started with simple wax models are now made with plastic or fiberglass material which gives them more realistic and lifelike look. In earlier times the sole responsibility of these dolls was to portray different products in the display store. No one noticed their facial features and expressions. Abstract even headless mannequins were used in a very large amount. Display dummies with no facial expressions and no facial features were very much common in use. Even some retailers used headless models as they considered facial and upper body details were not of any importance. Egg shaped heads in these dummies were in fashion. Only some retailers used realistic models.
But with the passage of time the usability and popularity of mannequins increased rapidly. The use of
flexible mannequin models became very common that even very small shops started to use these dummies. Then there came realistic models they changed the way retailers and interior designers saw towards them. Realistic models with very clearly and carefully sculpted facial features such as eyes, lips, nose, ears, abs and muscles came to fashion. Small details like toes and even fingers were made such that they can be moved and positioned.
Consider a bridal wear outlet, simple male and female mannequins wearing bridal dresses and not posing in any artistic pose. And then consider, groom wearing bridal dress and holding the hand of bride in a very romantic pose with a photographer also in the display scene trying to snap the romantic moment. The second scene is very eye catching and grabs the attraction and even dramatizes the scene in your head as you read. The person who is not shopping for bridal wear will also carefully look at that beautiful and romantic scene. This scene will be punched in his head and again when he will be thinking of buying bridal dress the scene will come to his sense. This way artistic and
bendable mannequin models has changed the phenomena of display windows.
The importance of these flexible mannequin models can be seen as, some big fashion chains and retailers are using the dummies of famous celebrities and known faces of their niche to display their products. A very famous outlet used the dummy of model Yasmin Le Bon to display their products. Many sports outlets are also using dummies of public figures.
The popularity of realistic mannequins has seen a tremendous rise over past years. Many retailers think of their bendable mannequin models as their “silent salesmen”.
fashion mannequins are raising the business on the side of retailers you can imagine how much they are increasing business for vendors and manufacturers. The business of these dummies has also hit e commerce with a bang. And most retail owners go online now a day’s and buy
mannequins for sale over the internet.