“To be honest, the looser policies really gave me a lot more courage to have the baby,” Yue wrote in the WeChat account named Diverse Family Network, which advocates reproductive rights and has
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Zhan Yingying, who runs the WeChat account, said more than 100 unwed mothers from a dozen of China’s most developed cities told her they hadn’t been harassed by the authorities over fines or encountered problems getting hukous for their children.
“We do see signs of easing restrictions in places,” Zhan said by phone, adding
Newport Pleasure that more women are speaking out and pushing for change. “If they don’t tell the stories, they will always be ignored.”The societal shift is underway as the Communist Party gets desperate for newborns. The number of babies born in the country dropped to the lowest level in almost 60 years in 2018, signaling the looser two-child policy has done little to reverse its slowing birthrate, and worsening the outlook for growth in the world’s second-largest economy.
After taking power in 1949, the Communist Party codified centuries of culture that placed
Newport box 100s cigarettes the traditional nuclear family at the center of society into so-called “family planning” laws, leaving little room to accommodate single parents or same-sex relationships. While no law in China directly penalizes women for having children outside of marriage, for a long time almost every aspect of her child’s life -- including during pregnancy -- was made harder without a father named on official paperwork.
There is no official data on single mothers in China. A state-run Shanghai media outlet called The Paper estimated that more than 1 million people have been born out of wedlock in China, based on the 2010 census and a study conducted by local academics in 2014.
Attitudes toward single parents are changing in China, as they are in the rest of the world. In a survey released in 2016 of about 2,800 Chinese by three NGOs including the Rainbow Lawyers Network, more than 86% of respondents said it was acceptable for a single woman to have a child, and 75% said it was acceptable for lesbian couples to have children.
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