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Where Are the Heroes-
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Author:  janbouchra9 [ Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Where Are the Heroes-

PurseBlog Asks: Which Bags are You Looking for at the Spring 2016 Sales?
It's going to be nearly 90 degrees in New York City today, marking the first day of true tank top weather, and I now finally believe that Memorial Day Weekend is now but a few short days away. The calendar has been telling me that for weeks, but I didn't feel it until just now.Of course, real fashion lovers know that Memorial Day doesn't just mean the unofficial start of summer; it also means the kickoff of the spring sale season, which is one of only two times a year when you can get many designers at a significant discount. It's like if the shopping Olympics happened every six months.With that in mind, we'll be scouring the web for the best deals as they come up over the course of the next couple weeks, starting with a complete guide tomorrow. In order to serve you best, dear reader, we need a bit of info: what are you looking for?Personally, I'm going to be keeping an eye out for ChloƩ and Fendi bags, like the ChloƩ Hudson Tassel Shoulder Bag seen above, which is currently marked down to $1,673 from $2,390 at the just-launched sale. Both brands' bags were pretty scant during last season's sales, Canada Goose parka Heren and I have a feeling that they'll still be prized by many.So what's on your shopping list? Let us know in the comments.P.S. Please consider supporting our small, bag-loving team by clicking our links before shopping or checking out at your favorite online retailers like Amazon, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Canada Goose jas sale Nederland online or any of the listed partners on our shop page. We truly appreciate your support!

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