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Allegri: the first goal unblocked Ronaldo
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Author:  Porsrun [ Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Allegri: the first goal unblocked Ronaldo


Following the 2-1 win over Sassuolo, Juventus boss Massimiliano Allegri spoke about the fixture, Douglas Costa's action, Ronaldo's sbo222 performance and Dybala in the new sytem.
“Maybe he was irritated at a foul before, but it doesn’t matter, because this absolutely must not happen. The one thing we must avoid doing sbo222 is falling for provocation,” the Coach told Sky Sport Italia.
“We could’ve scored a third goal, but instead we started to play as individuals, we tried to dribble past everyone, this wound up the opposition, who then reacted badly and you get to situations like Douglas Costa.
“You just had to see the first three games and how close Ronaldo went to scoring. Again today, he was a little too hasty and sbo222eager to score, but it bounced off the post and right into his path. That unblocked him.
“Today, even though it was the first time with this system, we did well. Naturally, the full-backs have to give more width. Sassuolo fought hard and as they became tired later on, we took full control of the game.”

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