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Adidas released a new generation of 11pro SL
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Author:  janbouchra9 [ Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Adidas released a new generation of 11pro SL

Concave released Quantum 3 black and yellow color matching - Football shoes - Football shoes soccer equipment portal _ENJOYZ Football Equipment Network
Concave decided to revive their influence in the football shoe market with a series of new features, and the new power series Quantum 3 emphasizes a better sense of strength and accuracy. Nike Air Max 270 Heren In the upper set on a full coverage of the 'dessert' Concave brand is the original patented technology, the role is to increase the touch area, to enhance the batting force of 15%, concave curvature of the perfect fit the ball, the shot more accurate , But also to enhance the protection. Quantum 3 also uses a high-quality kangaroo skin to ensure a good wearing comfort. New Quantum 3 will be spikes to oval, high-end players should be happy to try these new changes, do Nike Air Max classic bw Heren you think?

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