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What is website payment standard and how does it work?
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Author:  ScarlettJohansson [ Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  What is website payment standard and how does it work?

Website Payments Standard (WPS) offers a straightforward and quick way for you to securely accept payments on your website. Customers can pay by using their credit or debit card, or through their PayPal account. You handle the sales while we handle everything from the checkout process to security and mobile compatibility. Plus:
No advanced programming is needed.
Your customers don’t need a PayPal login my account account to pay you.
It’s optimised for customers on smartphones or tablets.
And unlike many full payment-processing solutions, Website Payments Standard has no application, setup or monthly fees, or long-term commitments. You only need to pay a small fee when you make a sale. Learn more about PayPal fees.

Author:  ScarlettJohansson [ Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is website payment standard and how does it work?

Hi there! Nice stuff, do keep me posted when you post again something like this!

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