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But experience with all the original PSO does assist
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Author:  nfkjasfas [ Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  But experience with all the original PSO does assist

"PSO2 New Genesis" x ray"I wish I'd been at the middle of the night] Collaboration decision meseta pso2 ngs! Teaser film released. SEGA Co., Ltd. has announced that the new online RPG"PSO2 New Genesis (hereinafter, NGS)", that is scheduled to begin service on June 9, 2021, will probably be published from the artist"Midnight. We'll perform a cooperation with.

In this cooperation,"I wish I had been at the middle of the night. Produced a collaboration tune"They All Alumni Association" that imaged the players and play styles of"NGS". We have published a unique website for the new project"NO BORDER." And a teaser film.

"PSO2" is a domestic online RPG that boasts over 6 million gamers in Japan, and the service of the latest series"NGS" is scheduled to launch on June 9, 2021 (Wednesday). Among the features of all"NGS" is your character development function that exceeds the ultimate in creating only one hero on the planet. The message of this new project,"NO BORDER. There is you, you may only do it" In the new job"NO BORDER." , A music group that doesn't have a Particular shape,"Zutomayo is nice ." (Commonly called ZUTOMAYO), via different expressions like collaboration songs, particular PVs, animation MVs, etc., we'll convey the message" NO BORDER. . .

Inspired by the concept of this new endeavor,"NO BORDER. Produced a collaboration song"They Are All Alumni Association". From the teaser film, the intro component of the song is released for about 15 seconds. We also created a distinctive PV to mention that the message contained in"NO BORDER PSO2 NGS Meseta buy." Different artists and creators will show up in the special PV, and"they all alumni institution" will be utilized as the songs.

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