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White House calls on states to prevent evictions
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Author:  limited [ Tue Aug 03, 2021 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  White House calls on states to prevent evictions

The White House moved to pressure state and local governments to swiftly adopt policies to protect renters after an eviction moratorium expired over the weekend, potentially pushing millions of Americans out of their homes.

In a statement on Monday, the White pgdose House emphasized that the federal government has provided $46.5 billion to keep renters in their homes. But it accused states and cities of being “too slow to act,” preventing that aid from making its way to tenants whose livelihoods have been upended by the pandemic.

The focus on states comes as President Joe Biden faces stinging criticism, including from some in his own party, that he was slow to address the end of the moratorium. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the prospect of widespread evictions “unfathomable.”

The Congressional Black Caucus intensified pressure on the White House to issue an immediate extension. And one Democrat, Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, who has been camped out in protest, had a brief conversation at the U.S. Capitol with Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday.

Some people were at risk of losing their homes as soon as Monday. But the White House insists there is only so much it can do on its own and that state and local leaders need to step up and get the aid out.

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