People who are reluctant to leave their comfort zone may have a deep belief that they are unable to cope with new things, stress and anxiety that may arise. So I choose to live in the same world, not risky, stable, smooth life as a routine that I feel safe and able to handle. But did you know that continuing to believe in this way may have negative consequences?
Create a habit of comfort More lazy: Ever heard of “You are what you DO” “How do you do it? So are you.” If you're lazy. Your brain will be lazy. Stop with the undeveloped place And it will begin to develop more and more habits of comfort and laziness until one day you may wake up and find yourself in your 60s and nothing.
Stumbling, Not Progressing: The Comfort Zone is scary in that it makes you feel comfortable. Then when it's comfortable Is there anyone who wants to get up and change themselves? This leads you further and further away from success in your work and personal life because you're so busy you want to be comfortable and don't want to do anything new and challenging.
Weakness and lack of confidence: Your mindset always influences your own decisions. If you keep thinking that you can't do it and not stepping out of the original spot It will result in you becoming fearful, weak, and lacking the confidence to do anything. But if there's a mindset that there's nothing you can't do. You will try as hard as you can and succeed.
Don't do anything wrong. Decreased creativity: People who are always looking for new experiences. They tend to be more creative than people who do the same thing over and over again because your repetition is just like a programmed robot. and can only do what is input. Your brain will not develop. because they don't use their brains to create anything new
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