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left abdominal pain What is the cause?
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Author:  Casey [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  left abdominal pain What is the cause?

Whether it is cancer, kidney disease, lung disease, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, it can all begin to cause stomach pain. And abdominal pain is divided into abdominal pain on the right and left side. Which today we will focus on the disease that causes abdominal pain on the left that What health problems will there be?
The important organs of the body are the liver, intestines, spleen, stomach, pancreas, left kidney, all in the left ventricle. Plus, the heart is located above the left ventricle. Either way, abdominal pain on the left under the ribs can be caused by these reasons

Causes of upper left abdominal pain

caused by gas in the stomach
Because certain foods or beverages, when ingested, will cause a large amount of gas in the stomach. This results in pain in the left side of the abdomen. Colic, distension and discomfort this year can be treated by taking antacids or carminatives.

2. Caused by constipation
This is because part of the colon is located on the upper part of the abdomen. People with constipation may feel pain in the upper left abdomen. This is because stool remains on the colon and is unable to move through the colon. causing discomfort And this may cause body odor and bad breath as well.

Caused by food poisoning
food poisoning symptoms This is a point that should not be ignored. Because it is caused by an acute infection through food. The main symptoms of food poisoning are: Abdominal pain in the upper left side, high fever, these symptoms occur within 48 hours after eating food that has been infected with the pathogen.

4. Caused by inflammation in the stomach and intestines
Most of these symptoms are caused by a bacterial or viral infection. until acute abdominal pain and diarrhea And most of them have nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. There may also be symptoms of dehydration. The treatment for this condition will depend on antibiotic treatment. in combination with symptomatic medication such as digestive aids or medicine to reduce stomach acid

Cause of irritable bowel syndrome
This is a chronic condition that occurs as a result of certain infections or abnormal bowel function. Abdominal pain in the upper left Sometimes chronic diarrhea and constipation occur on a regular basis. This disease can be controlled to be in a calm state. But it cannot be cured completely.

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