Calls for D. C. statehood have grown louder since
Online Cigarettes Store USA protests erupted across the city in the wake of George Floyd's death. Bowser, the city's mayor has advocated for statehood as a way to exert the district's control over its own policing matters.
At a Thursday press conference, she noted the president "moved the Army to address a local policing matter" and "the only way to address that is through statehood. "
Washington, D. C. leaders had heavily criticized the use of soldiers to respond to protests in the city. National Guard soldiers were activated to respond to the protests in Washington, D. C., and active-duty soldiers were mobilized outside the district but never deployed. President Donald Trump said in a May interview with the New York Post it would
Newport Cigarettes Shop be "very, very stupid" for Republicans to allow Washington to become a state, and his administration has said Trump would veto it.
"They plan to make the District of Columbia a state—that’d give them two new Democratic senators—Puerto Rico a state, that would give them two more new Democratic senators, " McConnell said in an interview with Fox News'
Newport box 100s cigarettes Laura Ingraham last year. "So this is full bore socialism on the march in the House. And yeah, as long as I’m the majority leader of the Senate, none of that stuff is going anywhere. ".
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