Katherine Williams-Dunning, the daughter of country music
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Tennessee Highway Patrol confirmed to Yahoo Entertainment that Williams-Dunning suffered fatal injuries when the 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe she was driving crashed around 7: 45 p. m. Her husband, Tyler J. Dunning, 29, was in the passenger seat, and was flown to a nearby emergency room with injuries.
Williams-Dunning’s vehicle was traveling south on Highway 79 while towing
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“This is an active investigation and more details will be made available later, ” a Tennessee Highway Patrol spokesman said, according to The Paris Post-Intelligencer.
On his Facebook page, Katherine’s brother, musician Sam Williams, took to social media to request prayers for his family. The page has since been removed.
Williams-Dunning’s 71-year-old father is the son of legendary country star Hank
Newport box 100s cigarettes Williams, and is famed for country rock hits like “Wild Streak” and his long-running anthem for Monday Night Football. She was the youngest of Williams’s five children, who include country and punk rock performer Hank Williams III.
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