This button also lets you sidestep while facing your current opponent, making it far easier to
FIFA Coins XBOX 360 block any dangerous passes. It is possible to combine this by using L1/LB to have an AI player help you in dispossessing your opponent. This implies the AI player can easily close down play, when you block off their alternate routes of attack.
If you feel it’s possible to do it together with just the one player prepared to controlling, use X/A for getting directly in the line of your personal opponent. Then, when in situation, use L2/LT to put up with for the ball. When the great time arises, press Circle/B for a standing tackle, as well as Square/X for a sliding take on.
Of course, you’re not always those able to dispossess your competition of the ball and in these kind of cases you want to ensure his or her can’t proceed any further in an offensive position, fending them off until the minute to tackle arises. Oftentimes dragging your center retrace to the left hand-side to close decrease the attack, as your eventually left back tracks another football player is worth sacrificing positioning.