Different Types Of Eye Glasses And Lenses,air max pas cher Eye glasses consist of frames that contain lenses. These lenses then provide vision correction for those with sight problems,air max pas cher, as well as protection from UV light. Historically,air max pas cher, eye glasses included the lorgnette,air max pas cher, scissors glasses,air max pas cher, monocles and pince-nez. Modern glasses will provide support in the form of pads by the ears and nose. Commonly,air max pas cher, eye glass frames are made of plastic or metal, and the lenses are made of glass. Traditionally,air max pas cher, eyeglasses were made of glass, but today they can be composed of synthetic materials that include polycarbonate,air max pas cher, CR-39 and plastic. These synthetic materials are very durable and much lighter than traditional glass lenses. The newest materials for eye glasses are scratch resistant,air max pas cher, and most will have hydrophobic coatings and anti-reflective coatings. The hydrophobic coating makes the lenses very easy to clean,air max pas cher, and the anti-reflective coating reduces glare and can help improve your night vision. The most popular type of plastic lenses on eyeglasses are CR-39,air max pas cher, because these lens are very light,air max pas cher, have a low transparency of UV and infrared light,air max pas cher, and are very scratch resistant. Corrective eye glasses are used to correct refractive errors of the eye. In essence the eyeglasses correct your vision by modifying the length of the lens to correct for nearsightedness,air max pas cher, astigmatism,air max pas cher, or farsightedness. It is possible to obtain over the counter reading glasses that run from +1. 00 to +3. 25. However, for negative strength glasses for those that cannot see far away,air max pas cher, a prescription is needed. Most eye glasses are used to correct vision problems. These eyeglasses achieve this in a way so that when you combine the lenses in your glasses with the lenses in your eyes,air max pas cher, you can see clearly. Eyeglasses can be used to correct farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. Most vision problems will require prescription glasses which require an eye exam. However,air max pas cher, very mild forms of farsightedness can be corrected using over the counter reading glasses. Sunglasses can be obtained as prescription or non-prescription lenses. The main purpose of sunglasses is to protect your eyes from very bright light and UV light. The newest types of eyeglasses are photochromatic,air max pas cher, so that when more UV light hits them,air max pas cher, they automatically darken to protect your eye. Sunglasses also have light polarization features. This polarization removes glare, so that you can see when reflected light and glare might normally be a problem. Other types of eyeglasses include 3D glasses that create a three dimensional illusion,air max pas cher, reading glasses that are general for very mild cases and can be purchased over the counter,air max pas cher, bifocals which have two focus lenses,air max pas cher, general for near sight at the bottom and far sight on the top,air max pas cher, trifocals have three different lenses for multiple focus and progressive eyeglasses that are multi focus but do not have any lines and have a smooth transition between different focal lenses. air max one vous.appré vous.appré air max 2016 grise cousins cousins air max nike noir pour moi pour moi air max 95 noir et blanche à à nike air trainer obtenir la clarté obtenir nike air max 90 femme un couple d'é un cou air max one pas cher nike air max cuir quelque chose qu'ils ne veulent pas quelque chose qu'ils ne nike air max 1 essential oui" oui" air max thea homme gociation gociation air max one femme pour revenir à pour reve nike air max 90 premium During your move During your move basket nike air max homme puis revenez à puis revenez à air max 95 blanche If you want to learn how to win back the cheating husband If nike air max 90 rose autorisé autoris&eacu air max 2016 e intake. air max rose tre emballé tre emballé air max pour femme voué voué nike air max 1 essential femme er puis é er air max beige femme cidé cidé air max 2016 blanche t que de le lire.plutô air max 2015 vidence l'é vidence l'é nike air max 1 essential femme fais toi plaisir nike air max 2015 comment repousser votre tê comment repousser votre t&ec nike air max noir et rose openstack.alors openstack.alors air max leopard « « air max 2016 rouge la centrifugeuse.c'est sé la cent nike air max grise rent de la fré rent de la nike air chaussure rience.c'est là rience.c' nike air max tavas femme e elle - mê e elle - mê air max fille mais honnê mais honnê nouvelle air max noir lé lé nike air max tennis des fuites.infos des fuites.infos air max 90 essential femme Fisherman's Wharf Fis nike air max thea marron while at port in Tobago air max 2016 grise jà jà