GirdsPaladin wrote:
I don't know how you are dealing with the bonus weekend, if it counts to records or anything...
I decided to allow xp gains from this weekend to appear on the Global Records for now. I may remove them later though. It all depends on if this becomes a regular Jagex event - if Jagex starts doing these very often, then I'll just have to leave them on there, as I can't constantly be around to monitor bonus xp weekends. However, if Jagex only decides to do this once per year, then I'll probably just remove them.
GirdsPaladin wrote:
I have gained over 1m Farm exp today, not quite done though.
My friend, Dipo22, not 10 minutes ago, merged his old accounts to show all his gains and such since he had a few name changes. Now, his Farm exp from yesterday AND today have merged into 1! Now I may not have the best exp today, even though his is somehow from 2 days instead of 1.
Is there anyway to fix this? Or did I just waste a whole day logging in and out to get the best Farm exp possible?
Your time was certainlly not wasted and you'll indeed have a very high record when the system update occurs.

However, your friend's xp gain will not be recorded as global record because that would be inaccurate. Let me explain - your friend changed his RuneScape Display Name from Zero Brandy to Dipo22 on March 5th. At the time of his name change, he had about 3.3M farming xp. From March 5th-12th, the RuneTrack did not record any xp gains for him as he failed to inform the system of his name change when it occurred, so his farming xp stayed at 3.3M.
Now today, March 13th (8 days late), he just updated his display name on the RuneTrack site. RuneTrack now sees that he has 4.5M farming xp. This is why his farming xp for today shows as if he gained 1.2M xp - because the last xp capture way back on March 5th had him at 3.3M, and thus 4.5M-3.3M = 1.2M. However, it clearly wouldn't be fair if that 1.2M farming xp gain was placed anywhere on the Global Records, or even his Personal Records, because it is actually his farming xp gain from March 5th-13th, and not from a single day.
That is why, at the time of the system update in about 2 hours from now, RuneTrack will capture new daily data for him, thereby completely fixing his profile. RuneTrack will also recognize that the 1.2M xp is invalid because it comes from multiple days, and decide not to record it on the Global Records, Daily High Scores, and Personal Records pages.
Hope that clears things up.