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Nike Air Max Thea Heren not materialize. But I was born optimistic. How can I not be for the upcoming year? I am one more year wiser. I think it will be a great one.” The Latin aphorism, which stands for “seize the day,” has become Kendra Bracken-Ferguson’s life mantra.She interned at global marketing agency Fleishman-Hillard, developing social media strategies for big-name clients including DKNY. Then she joined American designer brand Ralph Lauren, where she became the company’s first director of digital media.
From her days as a Golduster cheerleader at Purdue University to her current role as chief digital officer at the largest
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Nike Air Force 1 Femme — and literally just before I was going to start my master’s program, Fleishman called me and offered me a full-time job, but I had to be in New York in two weeks. So I accepted the job, declined my scholarship and packed up to move to New York.“I didn’t have any family or friends in New York and did not have the money to get an apartment, so I stayed in housing for professional women provided by the church and supervised by nuns.