RuneTrack Forums

Clarification, please!!!!!!!!!!
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Author:  Menaphos [ Fri May 31, 2013 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Clarification, please!!!!!!!!!!

Why are there some global records which only became global due to RuneTrack and/or RuneScape bugs still showing on RuneTrack?

Notably the combat items for most XP in a day/week have not been corrected since the bug in NOVEMBER 2012 regarding the Queen Black Dragon. All gains for that day regarding combat on here which made global records should be considered bug abuse and definitely not added to the globals. It has pushed worthy people off of the leaderboard and bug abusers or bugged (RT) accounts have been allowed to remain.

Please don't glaze over this topic like you seem to have done on many of the other ones. I, as do other users, want answers. Any issue that hasn't got a green tick next to it needs to be dealt with. It's your system in place that you don't seem to be sticking to!

There are plenty of broken things on RuneTrack which need fixing, including the things mentioned above, and I would really like to see more attention paid to the site than already is. At the moment you're the only admin; that certainly needs to change. We want to know what's happening, we don't like being kept in the dark. Please issue some explanations or pre-warnings before disappearing for a month or whatnot, because I'm starting to think with the lack of communication you might work for Jagex or something ;)

Author:  MattRs2012 [ Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This one's for you.

Support. November 28th 2012 is the exact date and there are many many combat records on the highscores because of abuse that day. (and get rid of angel pixels pls)

Probably have to remember that he might not play runescape anymore and might not care about the game. It is really great that he still updates it, even infrequently. Runetrack is awesome :) Maybe look into getting some new admins though? *Wonders if Indecent would be interested*

Author:  Menaphos [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This one's for you.

I assume the Daily Hiscores won't be fixed any time soon either, then? Been weeks. At least pay us some attention, acknowledge what's wrong!

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clarification, please!!!!!!!!!!

If you believe there are invalid Global Records (which can occur due to bug abuse or people suddenly swapping their display names between accounts with greatly different xp), then please be specific and post the usernames so they can be properly investigated.

All previous posts that have named users with suspiciously high xp gains have been dealt with. In particular, I believe the accounts related to the Queen Black Dragon have been investigated and removed from the records if proved invalid (but please let me know if any remain).

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