RuneTrack Forums

User Fatwrecked 560 mil xp yesterday? :)
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Author:  mindgamer87 [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  User Fatwrecked 560 mil xp yesterday? :)

Hi there Runetrack,

I just noticed something weird on the first page.
In the right column (Yesterday's Top Xp Gains), I see only one user :)
The user named 'Fatwrecked' seems to have gained 560 mil xp yesterday, and around 13-16 mil xp in each of the skills.
When I click myself further to see his profile it seems like the 560 mil xp are actually his total ammount of xp gained, and the 13-16 mil xp are what he have gained in each of the skills.

I think something might have bugged with that function! :p
Just a thought..

Thanks for a fine work and nice graphs.
Looking forward to see when suomi gains the insane overall 5 bil xp.



Author:  mindgamer87 [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: User Fatwrecked 560 mil xp yesterday? :)

If you look on 'Skill History' within the 'User Stat Progress'-tab you will find this weird info:

456 Sep 26, 2012 2,460 2,496 568,222,458 ?
455 Sep 25, 2012 535,406 1,219 7,959,365 560,263,093
454 Sep 24, 2012 2,454 2,496 567,006,402 -559,047,037
453 Sep 23, 2012 2,444 2,496 566,973,582 32,820

"-559,047,037" :)

Author:  Menaphos [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: User Fatwrecked 560 mil xp yesterday? :)

Sword Kill11 wrote:
Typically this is caused by a very high level account taking the display name of a previously lower-level account. Because Jagex does not make name change information publicly available, from the outside, this appears as if an account goes from being very low-level to very high-level in a single day.

This happens all the time without any issues, because RuneTrack has checks in place to ensure that this doesn't affect the Global Records. However, there are some very rare occurrences when a Jagex Mod manually changes a player's display name, bypassing the standard 28 day holding period of display name changes. If the conditions are right when this occurs, sometimes the name can slip through RuneTrack's detection system (because there's really no way to know for sure - as I said before, Jagex provides limited stat information to fansites) and appear to have gained ridiculous amounts of xp in a single day.

This really only seems to happen a few times a year, and the Global Records are corrected pretty quickly, thanks to posters like you who inform me of the issue.


Author:  Da Crusher [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: User Fatwrecked 560 mil xp yesterday? :)

This has seemed to have happen more often of lately.

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: User Fatwrecked 560 mil xp yesterday? :)

Thanks, this has now been fixed. :)

See my quoted post above for an explanation.

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