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Hi is it just me or is there a bug/glitch in Global Records
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Author:  temproid [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Hi is it just me or is there a bug/glitch in Global Records

hi iv been in global record for 2 days in a row but it doesn't show on my profile
is it just me or does this happen 2 every1 else buy suomi?

June 8th

june 9th

and not on my page?

plz tell me y?

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi is it just me or is there a bug/glitch in Global Reco

Hi Tempriod,

What you achieved was getting in the top 50 xp gainers in Runecraft for a single day. A Global Record is when you are in the top 50 xp gainers in Runecraft for all time.

For example, here is the Global Records page for Runecraft: - as you can see, you'd need about 5M Runecraft xp in a single day to earn a Global Record.

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