Thanks, this has now been fixed. It appears SUOMI temporarily exceeded the maximum xp allowed by some of the Jagex web variables.
For those that are interested in the technical explanation - numbers in computer code are typically stored in integer variable types. An integer takes up space in memory. The space it takes up is 32 bits in length, meaning there are 2^32 = 4,294,967,296 possible numbers that it can represent. There are two types of integers - signed and unsigned:
- Unsigned - Means that the data type can only represent positive values, so the range of an unsigned integer is 0 - 4,294,967,295.
- Signed - Means that the data type has a sign (plus or minus), and can therefore represent both negative and positive numbers. Since there are 2^32 available spaces in the data type, half (2^31 = 2,147,483,648) are used for negative numbers, one is used for zero, and the other half ((2^31)-1 = 2,147,483,647) are used for positive numbers. So the range of a signed integer is -2,147,483,648 - 2,147,483,647.
Integer variable types are signed by default unless otherwise specified. A couple years back, Jagex had an issue when the first player reached 2,147,483,647xp, which is the limit of a signed integer. I don't recall exactly what happened, but I think their xp got frozen for a while until Jagex could fix it. A few days later, Jagex increased the storage size of these variables to allow them to hold larger numbers.
Unfortunately, it appears that some of these integer variables were only changed from being signed to unsigned. This increased the maximum xp limit from 2,147,483,647 to 4,294,967,295. However, this clearly wasn't large enough, as SUOMI found out when he tried to pass the 4.3B xp mark. I've actually been curious over the past couple years to see what would happen when the unsigned integer limit was reached and whether Jagex would be prepared this time - but apparently there were still some issues (understandable though, given the complexity of all the highscore storage systems - and it did only affect a few outputs, limited only to the web interface I believe).
Anyway, it appears Jagex has now once again increased the variable storage space for the highscores. As SUOMI is nearing the achievement of 200M xp in all skills, this was the last time an increase was needed, so this problem shouldn't occur ever again.