RuneTrack Forums

Contribute Name Change
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Author:  feathery one [ Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Contribute Name Change

Hello again,

When I got on this morning to do some name changing, there were 520 names in the queue, which is around 10 times what I've seen before. I've tried about 20 names and only one of them was a case with an actually name change rather than an account being taken off the hiscores presumeably. At the moment I will assume it has gone mad, and that it's probably my fault :P, and so I'll stop trying to do the contribute name change stuff until either you tell me it's all ok and I'm just a big wuss, or the number goes down to something more palatable.

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Contribute Name Change


Firstly, thank you for your help in keeping up with the name contributions! :)

It appears that a large number of accounts have switched to being F2P recently (probably due to winter holidays ending), and seeing as Jagex no longer displays F2P players on the RuneScape highscores, that's what caused so many names to appear in the queue.

However, I just now implemented your suggestion here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=365

So now, whenever you go to the Contributions page, the current name you're viewing that's up for changing will be asynchronously checked for two scenarios:
  • If the display name is detected as being on the highscores, the user's account is re-activated on RuneTrack and you are automatically re-directed to another name that needs changing.
  • If the display name is detected as belonging to an F2P account, that name is removed from the Name Change Contribution queue, and you are automatically re-directed to another name that needs changing.

This should hopefully help to clear out the Name Change Contribution queue. :)

Author:  feathery one [ Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Contribute Name Change

Ok thanks very much, it's just that although I only discovered the name change thingy a few days ago, since then there have been roughly 50 names waiting for me at the beginning of each day, seeing 520 seemed anomalous. Oh and thank you for implementing the f2p thingy :thumbsup:

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