I have tried several times to set up a competition tracker for our clan. I used both "Import Members from a RuneScape Clan" and then, when it said "The following names do not appear on the RuneScape Hiscores:" and listed every name in the clan, I went to the section "Or insert names manually" and typed in each name.
In both cases it came back with the same error message: "The following names do not appear on the RuneScape Hiscores:" and listed every name. I know that I have 1,302 days in the database and my name was one that was listed.
Is there a glitch going on or are you not doing RuneScape Clan competitions any more?
And example of an old competition we had is here:
http://runetrack.com/competitions/compe ... p?id=29143 My signature has also updated experience I have gained the last couple weeks, so it is connecting some how. Just not in setting up a competition tracker.
Thank you for any assistance you can give me in this endeavor.
EDIT: I even put in both of my RuneScape accounts that are listed here to see if I could set up a competition between them. They are listed on high scores in the game program, but would not enter here. I got the same message for them as I received above.