RuneTrack Forums

10 sig views, still no trackers
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Author:  andro noir [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  10 sig views, still no trackers

I got my 10th and last sig view last night, roughly 13 hours ago. I was told my trackers would be available after the next system update. That update came and went an hour ago and I still can't see my trackers. I get the same message as before; "Trackers will be updated with the next system update" but now it's not 12h left. It's 23h.


Edit: Nevermind. They are up now. Guess it was just a little slow. ..and I was eager.

Author:  Dsctatom [ Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10 sig views, still no trackers

In order to avoid a bug report I'm expecting you'll make in the future: due to the number of accounts being tracked your gains for the day will not reset exactly when the system update occurs. Anywhere from 0-4 hours may pass before it updates. Also, if you're logged in when the update occurs and it has already updated for you before you log out, all experience from that login session will be thrown on the new day.

Author:  andro noir [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10 sig views, still no trackers

I think that last part of your description has happened, although in reversed order. My stats claim I had no experience gained on the 20th. But the 19th shows twice the amount of my average daily gain.

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10 sig views, still no trackers

andro noir wrote:
I think that last part of your description has happened, although in reversed order. My stats claim I had no experience gained on the 20th. But the 19th shows twice the amount of my average daily gain.

Unfortunately there was a small glitch with the High Scores update on that day which only affected a few newer profiles like yours, where the xp collection for the 19th was later than it should have been, and thus displayed some of the 20th's xp.

This should have only been a one-time occurrence though and everything should be working correctly now, but let me know if this happens again. :)

Author:  andro noir [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10 sig views, still no trackers

Ok, thanks for letting me know. It's not a big deal. Just looked odd.
I will let you know if something like this happens again.


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