Auto Timezone Converter is fairly accurate, to the extent it can be. Tel Aviv is only about 50 km (30 miles) from Jerusalem, which I would consider pretty accurate, considering that you're not providing it any special information or even permission to access your location in the first place. If one could track the
exact location of someone without their consent, that would probably cause some issues.
The purpose of the location detection is for obtaining your timezone so that the event time can be converted to your local time (and of course Tel Aviv is in the same timezone as Jerusalem). The detected country/state is virtually always accurate, though the city can sometimes be a bit off.
I could actually just have the Timezone Converter image not show a city and just display the detected country (or in the US/Australia, the detected state) and have 100% accuracy, but I chose to include the city out of interest, even though detecting the city doesn't really matter.
Hope that answers your question.