Killer, just a gathered list of what I have seen personally.
I'll green code as they're fixed on the user end.Current Problems:
Front page:
Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/sword/public_html/config_sigs.php on line 114
RuneTrack currently has registered members. Created by Sword Kill11
Yesterday Top Gains are all 0 stat pages: No Personal Records
XP Graph broken
This user has 1,819 days of stats recorded in the database.
This signature has been viewed from -1 websites.
0 unique IP addresses have viewed your signatures.
No recently gained levels
User Stat Progress broken because of no user page reset for the day Average Page:
Graphs broken - started working after reinstalling flash.If anyone has anything to add please comment below and I will add it and
green code things as they seem to be fixed.