Sword Kill11 wrote:
Torn40oz wrote:
hmmm In top daily highscores for dec. 11th, it says I gained 2,629,620 xp in cooking.

That was based off of an assumption when the data was previously missing, so it will be updated with the new figures at the system update. The User Stat Progress page will always contain the correct data, as that data source is what everything else is based upon.
Actually, after further thought, I think I'm just going to clear the Top Daily High Scores chart for December 10 and 11, seeing as the current data for December 11 is not up to the reliable standards I expect for the site. Note that this won't affect any individual progress/records, global records, or anything else like that, just a daily high score stat capture from a while ago that very few people would've stumbled upon anyway. All of the data for every other day of the Top Daily High Scores will of course remain accurate and intact.