RuneTrack Forums

Yesterday's Top Xp Gains
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Author:  Laur [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Yesterday's Top Xp Gains

Hi Sword,

Shadow388 has been listed to get top exp gain for hunter and construction yesterday, about 1.8m exp. However, looking at his profile, he hasn't even gained 40K construction exp this *week*. Also, similar story with Mizzou, large construction exp, no summon + dung, but gets max exp for these skills :\

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yesterday's Top Xp Gains

Hey Laur,

Thanks - I was actually preforming some updates to the cron jobs for the system update scripts around the time of the actual system update occurring (which ideally I try to avoid). However, it seems from the logs that my series of cron time updates happened such that it caused the "Yesterday's Top Xp Gains" table to have some data duplication. I've now refreshed the table to show the correct values. :)

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