RuneTrack Forums

Name Change
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Author:  ducks108 [ Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Name Change

When submitting a name change that has been change to something like: [#444830742] it cuts out the [# + ]. Thus saying:

Stroke33 ==> 444830742

Error: Invalid name change. Please check to see if you have the correct spelling.

Which I know is current as I look it up in the Highscores.

Off topic a bit: This is honestly kinda fun xD

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Name Change

Hi Ducks108,

Firstly, thanks for your help with the name contributions. :)

Whenever you see a name like "[#444830742]", technically that is not a display name, but rather a temporary account ID number set by Jagex. For example: If someone makes an account with an inappropriate display name, once Jagex finds out about it they will replace that inappropriate name with a string of numbers in brackets, and give the account holder the option to change to a new, more acceptable display name. But until the account holder does so, they are locked out of the game and will appear to others in-game as just a string of numbers.

This string of numbers is not actually a display name - try searching it on the RuneScape Highscores and you'll see it doesn't bring up the highscores for the account. It's simply a temporary placeholder ID set by Jagex. I'm also a bit curious when you say:
ducks108 wrote:
Which I know is current as I look it up in the Highscores.
Where were you able to locate the account on the RuneScape Highscores? Neither Stroke33 nor [#444830742] appear on the RuneScape Highscores for me.

Anyway, I suppose the best thing to do whenever you encounter a name that has switched to a string of numbers is hit the "Generate a New Name" link to skip past it. :)

Author:  ducks108 [ Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Name Change

Hmm I could have sworn that "[#444830742]" was in the Highscores. But as I look it up in the high scores it isn't there O.O . But I'll be sure to hit the generate new name button! Thanks for making an epic site for us all to benefit! <33

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